Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation (English)
There are other ways in which we can help Stray Kids, outside of streaming and voting, it counts a lot how many times we search, mention, share information about it.
One of the most important it is the Korean Business Research Institute that makes, every month, a reputation ranking among all the K-Pop artists. Reputation is measured both as a group and individually.
How can we help to increase Stray Kids reputation.

Brand Reputation (Spanish)
Hay otras formas de poder ayudar a Stray Kids, fuera del stream y votaciones, cuenta mucho las veces que buscamos, mencionamos, compartimos información de ello. Uno de los más importantes es el Korean Business Research Institute que realiza, todos los meses, un ranking de reputación entre todos los artistas de K- Pop. La reputación se mide grupal e individualmente.
¿Cómo podemos ayudar a aumentar la reputacion de Stray Kids?.